Day 2 of the week - The theme this week is
Outer Space. The letters of the week are
J, j, O the number of the week is
Project - Name Rocket Ship- I saw this craft on the website under the Space theme. Before making the rocket ship, Connor, Lauren and I counted backward from 10 and blasted off like a rocket ship -they thought this was hilarious!
Directions: Connor and Lauren cut out 6 squares each (one square for each letter in their name). Then they glued the squares onto a piece of white paper. They glued a larger paper triangle on the top of the squares and two smaller triangles underneath the squares. Next, they wrote their names on the squares - 1 letter to each square. As a finishing touch they used gray and orange marker to add smoke and fire to the bottom of their rocket ships. Materials Needed -
1 large piece of white paper, colored construction paper (for the squares and triangles), glue stick, black, orange and gray markers
Learning Activities: Today's Activities:Handwriting -
tracing lines
Numbers -
12, and one to one matching, number matching, and countingReading Readiness -
on topColors -
yellow, coloring, writing, recognitionWriting Letters -
Lowercase j
Tell the kids that I really liked the names of their ships:)Good job!