Project - Colorful Paper Circle Caterpillar- Cut circles out of colored construction paper (about 25 circles/caterpillar. Poke the middle of each circle with pen point to make small hole. Push the paper circles onto a pipe cleaner (bend end part of pipe cleaner up, so the paper circles do not fall off), Cut another pipe cleaner in half (for 2 wholes), bend the halves in half and twist (the antennae), Attach the antennae by twisting it around the other pipe cleaner and tape it to the back of the face circle, twist the pipe cleaner into a circle to form the nose. Draw eyes and mouth.
Materials Needed - colored construction paper, pipe cleaners, scissors, tape, marker
Learning Activities
Today's Activities:
Numbers - adding, counting, writing numbers
Beginning Sounds - beginning consonant sounds, recognition, matching
Shapes - tracing, recognition, matching
Writing Letters -Uppercase N
My girls loved making this. Thanks for sharing!