Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easter Learning Unit - Week 3!

Easter Learning Unit - Week 3!
Learning Activities
Easter Egg Match
Beginning Sounds, matching
I created a document with the letters V, H, F, R, Q, N and L with pictures of a violin, house, fan, robot, basketball, queen, nail and lion. I cut them into oval - egg shapes and cut them in half.  Addie chose a letter and matched it with the object that had the same beginning sound!
Gluing the egg matches to the paper!
Easter Egg Match - Rhyming Words
Rhyming, matching
I did the same thing as above only this time I focused on rhyming.  Addie had to rhyme and match house/mouse, bee/key, nail/pail and pan/fan.
Gluing a rhyming pair to the paper

Easter Egg Dice Game!
Math, counting, one-to-one correspondence, writing numbers

Addie and I played this Easter Egg game together.  We took turns rolling a die and writing the dots on each half of the egg.  Then Addie added/counted the dots and wrote the sum for each Egg! 
Here is the link to this document from The Happy Teacher - I modified the activity for Addie. 
Easter Crafts
Cone Easter Bunny!
*Using a pink birthday hat is recommended!*
Glue googly eyes, pom-pom nose, teeth and ears to the hat.
Draw a mouth
Hand print Easter Lilies
Trace hand onto white card stock
Cut yellow pipe cleaners into 4 or 5 inch pieces and bend at the top
Stick 2 pipe cleaners into the end of a green straw and secure with clear tape.
Wrap the hand print around the end of the straw and secure with tape
Cut a leaf out of green construction paper and punch a hole in the middle
Slide the leaf up the straw and secure with tape below the leaf. 
 (You can do 1 or 2 leaves for each flower)

Glitter Styrofoam Eggs
Push a dowel, into the bottom of the egg so you can hold the egg while painting and covering with glitter.
Paint a Styrofoam egg with white glue - I used craft glue
Cover the egg with glitter -shaking off any excess - let dry
Fill in the hole left by the dowel - with glue and glitter.
Spray the egg with hairspray - let dry

Envelope Easter Bunny

Cut ears from white paper and the inside of the ears with pink construction paper
Cut strips from black paper for the whiskers
Assemble the ears and glue to the top of the envelope - the front side.
Seal the envelope and glue a pink pom-pom for a nose
Glue on the whiskers
Draw eyes and a mouth

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