Thursday, April 3, 2014


Fork Print Flowers
Press a plastic fork into paint
Press the tines of the fork onto a piece of paper to make flowers
Use green paint to make the flower's stems

Melted Snowman
Paint a white BLOB with paint
Glue on arms, eyes, nose, hat and scarf - cut from construction paper

Hand Print Flower
Paint hand green and press onto a paper plate
Press pointer finger into paint (any color) and press onto the plate to make flowers

Rainbow Ribbon
Cut a rainbow shape from white paper
Draw the rainbow and then color it in with the appropriate colors
Tape ribbon onto the back, bottom side of the rainbow

Robin Footprint
Paint foot brown
Press onto paper
Paint the belly of the robin red and draw on beak, eye, and feet

Rainbow Cloud
Draw a cloud shape onto white paper
Cut colored ribbon into long pieces.
Directions:  Cut the cloud out and draw on a face
Tape the ribbon to the back of the cloud

Learning Activities
Flower Counting
Skills:  counting, one-to-one matching, number recognition
Draw 5 stems and label the stems 1-5
Directions:  Glue on the appropriate number of buttons for each flower

Tulip Name Writing
Skills:  name writing
Cut out tulip shapes and stem shapes
Glue the tulips and stems to paper
Write your name on the tulips
Flower Name Writing
Skills:  name writing

Caterpillar Counting
I created a chart on a Word document with then numbers 1-5 along with 5 caterpillar heads!
Directions:  Say the number.
Glue that same amount of pom poms onto the caterpillar
Draw on legs!

Letter Garden
I cut out flower shapes from colored construction paper
Directions:  Write upper and lowercase letters on the flowers.
Glue the matching upper and lower case flowers above/below each other.

Add stems with a green marker.

Spring Flower CVC Words
I created a document with flower shapes on it
I laminated the Spring Flower CVC Words page so we could reuse it
I cut out flowers from construction paper and wrote beginning consonants on each flower
I wrote i and t on the 2nd and 3rd flowers
Directions:  Make CVC words on the flower mat using the paper flowers!
Addie made the word sit

Making another word

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