Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day
Love Hand and Foot Prints
Press  red painted hand onto a piece of colored construction paper
Press painted feet onto the paper to make a heart shape
Paint on the letter L and e to complete the word Love

Love Bug
Trace a large heart onto red construction paper
Trace a medium heart onto black construction heart
Trace small hearts onto black construction paper
Directions:  Cut all of the hearts out and assemble and glue the pieces onto a pink piece of paper to make the Love Bug!  Glue on two googly eyes.  Write Love Bug on the paper.
Heart Chain
Here are the directions for this very simple, fun, cute Heart Garland! 

Whooo Loves You?!?
Cut out the body shape for the owl along with eyes, a beak, two feet, a large heart and a flower or bow tie.
Glue all of the pieces onto a larger piece of construction paper.
Paint both hands with red or pink or purple paint and press onto the owl.

Love Bug
You can use craft foam or construction paper
Cut our a large heart for the body, a small heart for the top feathers, two small hearts for the wings and tail feather, two smaller hearts for the feet and a smaller heart for the beak.  Construct your bird and glue on a googly eye and draw the legs with black marker

Heart Snail
Cut out three hearts - 1 large, 1 medium, 1 small
Cut out a snail body shape from green construction paper
Glue the snail to a piece of construction paper
Glue the large heart to the back of the snail, then the medium heart in the center of the large heart and finally the small heart in the center of the medium heart
Draw an eye, mouth, and two heart antenna on the snail

Learning Activities
Heart Name
Skills:  name recognition, name writing, gluing
Write child's name on a piece of paper
Cut out small hearts (you will need quite a few) of varying colors
Cut out larger hearts - for the name to be written on.
Directions:  Glue small hearts over the letters of your name
Glue one larger heart underneath each letter of your name.  
Write each letter of your name on the larger hearts.

Heart Letter/Word Match
Skills:  matching, letter identification, cvc words, sounds, making words, gluing
Cut out medium sized hearts
Cut each heart in half
For Beginners:  Write uppercase letter on 1 side and lowercase letter on the other side of the heart
For Advanced:  CVC words. Write beginning consonant sound on 1 side and ending vowel consonant sounds on the other sides of the heart.
Directions: Beginners: Match the letters on the hearts and glue them to a piece of paper
Advanced:  Make words with your hearts and glue the heart words to the paper

Counting Hearts
Skills:  counting, number recognition, one-to-one correspondence
Cut out 3 large hearts (more if you would like).
Glue the hearts to a piece of colored construction paper
Cut out smaller hearts from colored paper.
Directions:  Say the number, glue the matching amount of hearts onto the large heart.

Heart Counting 1-3
Skills:  Math - counting, number recognition 1-3
I created a word document that focused on counting hearts.  I only focused on the numbers 1, 2, 3. 

Heart Letter Matching
Skills:  Letters, upper and lowercase recognition, writing letters, matching
I created a word document that focused on matching upper and lowercase letters.  I  typed each letter in the middle of a heart to go with our Valentines Day theme.  I also focused on the letter Oo. I emphasized the writing of the letter Oo.

Valentine Heart Count
Skills:  Math - Counting, number recognition
I created a word document with 4 hearts numbered 1-4
Directions:  Say the number on the heart and place the matching number of Candy Hearts on the heart . 

Writing Letters
Skills:  Letter writing, letter recognition
I created a document with hearts stacked in two rows.
I laminated the sheet
Directions:  With a dry-erase marker practice making matching Upper and Lowercase letters

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