Project - Sing a Song of Sixpence Pies! I saw this in Pre-K Mailbox Magazine. We said the Sing a Song of Sixpence nursery rhyme and talked about what was in the pie in the rhyme. Then we brainstormed unusual ideas to be in pies. Connor decided to have Triceratops bones, Ty chose baseballs, and Addie chose baby dolls!! Directions: First, they glued a strip of aluminum foil (pie tin) to a sheet of construction paper. Then we stapled a brown, foam pie top above the tin to make a flap. Next, they drew what they wanted to come out of their pies. Then they dictated to me their appropriate rhyme and I wrote it below the tin. Materials Needed: aluminum foil, construction paper, brown foam or construction paper, glue stick, stapler, crayons, marker
Connor's Triceratops Bone Pie!
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