The Letter O
O is for Octopus
Octopus Hand Prints
Octopus Counting Craftivity
Skill: number recognition, one-to-one correspondence, counting, gluing
O is for Octopus and Octopus Patterns
Skills: O recognition, counting, patterns
Here is the link for Octopus patterns and find the O's
o is for owl
Owl Matching
Skills: matching, colors
Here is the link for Owl Matching
Owl Letter Match
Skills: upper and lowercase letter recognition, matching
Here is the link for Owl Letter Match
Owl Patterns
Skills: patterns
Here is the link for Owl Patterns
O is for Owl
Skills: tracing, pre-writing, letter writing
Here is the link for this Owl Tracer
The Letter Y
Y is for Yak
y is for yo-yo
Find the Y's
Skills: y recognition,
Here is the link for Finding Y's

The Letter Z
Z is for Zebra
z is for zipper
Z is for Zoo Animals
Skills: counting, number recognition, what belongs, letter z recognition, finding differences, what comes next, shapes, tracing
Here is the link for these fun zoo animal activities
Zoo Animal Search
We searched for zoo animals in magazines. Then the kiddos cut out the zoo animals and made their very own zoo animal collages.
Zz letter sort
Skills: letter z, upper and lowercase Z recognition, sorting
Here is the link for the Letter Z sort
Cutting Zig-Zag Lines
Skills: scissor skills
Here is the link for Zig Zag Cutting
Zig-Zag Racers!
Skills: fine motor skills
I drew 2 zig-zag tracks outside with sidewalk chalk. I wrote START and FINISH. The kiddos "raced" each other by pushing small monster trucks on the zig-zag track!