Cardboard Tube Turkey - Cut a cardboard tube into a 6-7 inch section - I used the tube from clear plastic wrap. Cut orange feet from orange craft foam. Apply layer of glue to the bottom of the cardboard tube and press onto the orange feet. Cut a beak shape from the orange craft foam. Glue onto the tube. Cut a 1 inch piece from a chenille stem and bend into an upside down L. Glue the chenille stem onto the tube, so it sits around the beak. Glue on two googly eyes. Put a layer of glue on the top, inside of the cardboard tube and glue colored feathers in place.
Materials Needed: cardboard tube, scissors, orange craft foam, red chenille stem, googly eyes, feathers, glue
My blog features the activities and projects I do with my children. I have 3 children age 11, 7 and 4. I watch an infant, plus my 4 year old nephew! This blog highlights the activities/projects we create during the week. It also provides a way for me to organize all of the activities and projects we do, and it is a great way to share the projects/activities. I hope this blog will become a great resource and inspire creativity.
Nice feathers!!!